Relation Virgo with Pisces
Virgo and Pisces a difficult harmony. The diversity of the aspects which oppose them, although surmountable, are numerous. The fish dominated by its passion dashes will have to compose with the behavior reserved of the Virgo. The Poisson, if dreamer and romantic will be badly at ease with the Virgo, methodical and ordinate. On the other hand the significant, poetic and emotional aspect of the Pisces have everything to allure the Virgo. For a durable relation, the Virgo will have to learn how to be very patient with the sentimental nature of the Pisces and to try to be more conclusive with her emotions. As for the Poisson it will be necessary that it is put up with the methodical and ordered nature of the Virgo and that he learns how to moderate his needs for proof of affection. The Pisces remains an excellent partner for the Virgo in spite of his intense needs for comprehension and love.
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