Relation Sagittarius with Virgo
Sagittarius and Virgo are the natures opposed without being irreconcilable. In love, sentimental, frankly, intellectuals needing freedom and change are some common points which join together Sagittarius and the Virgo. The loves and intense feelings of Sagittarius run up against the reserved personality and shy of the Virgo. The Sagittarius, turned towards the future, upsets the Virgo who likes to live from day to day. Sagittarius is a brilliant seducer, delicate, refined and tender who can make succumb the Virgo. For a durable union, Sagittarius will have to moderate its taste of the adventure, its ardour, its susceptibility and its irritability with contrariety as for the Virgo, it will have to more openly express its feelings in Sagittarius and to avoid exerting its too great sense of the order and criticism.
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